
Lose Lots of Weight (Safely)

Need to shed 100 pounds? You don’t have to go into the operating room. Everybody has a different plan for losing weight. But no matter what diet pro you ask, they’ll all agree on a few tips that will help you lose lots of weight without putting your health in jeopardy. So if you’re ready…


Professional Bodybuilder Reveals Proven Strategies To Intense Bodybuilding

Complete Guide To Muscle Building Table Of Contents MUSCLE BUILDING INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………… 3 TRAINING EXERCISES …………………………………………………………………………… 7 EXTENSIVE WORKOUTS …………………………………………………………………………. 21 POWER FOODS DEFINED ……………………………………………………………………….. 29 MEAL PLANS: PRINT OUT ……………………………………………………………………. 48 RESTED PERFORMANCE …………………………………………………………………………. 71 THE TRUTH ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS ………………………………………………………… 74 BODY BUILDING FOR WOMEN ……………………………………………………………….. 87 A NOTE ABOUT COMPETITIONS ……………………………………………………………. 90…


Yoga! Really?

It’s All About Rewards You may come to tolerate or even enjoy exercise if you experience the rewards it offers. Giving up after only a few workout sessions will leave you with sore muscles and a negative view of exercise. But sticking with your routine will lead to fitness rewards that make you keep coming…


Healthy, Immediate Weight Loss

Healthy, Immediate Weight Loss Is there a magic pill to take away your extra pounds without putting your health at risk? Losing lots of weight fast is the American dream. Chased by many, caught by few, fast weight loss seems to always come at a price – your long-term good health. But is there a…


Can Exercise Be Fun?

Can Exercise Be Fun? Or are kids the only ones who get to smile while getting fit? Everybody wants to have fun. It’s relaxing, stimulating, and downright well…fun! So what is it about exercise that seems to make adults stand up straight and pull out their serious faces? Shouldn’t exercise be fun for you just…


Why Weight Training Matters It’s not just for good looks. Your heart needs oxygen, so you do aerobics and cardio. But you should also add in some weight training to your routine. No, lifting weights isn’t just a way to beef up your pecs and make your thighs harder than granite (though weight lifting is…


Exercise and Stress

Can’t have one and the other! Like some of your favorite cartoon heroes and villains, stress and exercise are archenemies, battling to take control of your mental health. When one is present, the other is likely not in the picture. Ready to do battle with the stress in your life? You’ve got to hit the…


March Predator Female Athlete

ISUDU FITNESS MAGAZINE   MARCH 2014 PREDATOR FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH  By Jamila Young Aja’ Moore Competitive Cheerleader       Age: 20 Height: 5’4 Weight: 132 Birthplace: Chattanooga, Tennessee Current Residence: Snellville, GA College: Kennesaw State University Fun Fact: My name is pronounced like Asia In A Perfect World… I Would Live… in…


Lose 5 inches and 10 pounds in only 15 days

I’m looking for 18 people who want to lose 5 inches and drop 10 pounds in 15 days. I’m testing out a new “beta” program that combines metabolic training and nutrition programming together to help you burn maximum fat pounds and inches in only 15 days. So I’m effectively looking for 18 guinea pigs to test…


1200 Calories


Burn, Baby, Burn

Boost your metabolism and burn more calories. How can your friend eat fast food every meal and not gain a pound while you scrimp and cut carbs and sweets and have trouble losing even an ounce of extra weight? Chances are your friend is blessed with a fast metabolism. Not fair, right? You may have…


ISUDU Fitness Magazine

 PREDATOR FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH  ISUDU FITNESS MAGAZINE                                                                                            …