Want A Body Like Creed 2
What do you do on the first night Creed II is showing in the theaters? You go see it (and order an extra large popcorn while you’re at it). What do you do immediately AFTER seeing Creed II and you’re fired up to train like you are after EVERY Sylvester Stallone movie? You train damn it!!…
21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program
STOP – Exclusive Deal For Kennesaw, Marietta, Acworth & Powder Springs Residents… Discover The Fitness Boot Camp That Burns Twice The Fat, Gets You Fit And Challenges Your Body Every Time. The BlazeFit Boot Camp Is The #1 Fitness And Fat Loss Program Guaranteed To Burn The Fat And Get You In The Best Shape…
Make your weight loss bet today! A FitnessWager can increase your weight loss success! See What You Can Win! In Just 3 Easy Steps! How it Works 1) Make Your Bet $100 Minimum with a 25% additional prize. Example. Bet $100 & WIN $125 2) Lose the Weight Stay on track throughout the…
A Fitness Transformation By Any Means Necessary!!! For 90 Days You Will Eat Clean, Train Daily & Transform! Start Date October 1, 2018 VERY IMPORTANT: Reply back to this email RIGHT NOW with a Before Picture & A picture of your weight on the scale! Please use the following guidelines…
Hey BlazeFam, Welcome to BlazeFit! My goal is to Provide quality workouts routines and help you create eating habits that last a lifetime by teaching you how to budget the foods you enjoy. This is going to take some practice, and planning in advance is key, but I’m here as much as you need. But…
JUST $10 USE THE DISCOUNT CODE (BlazeFit) To Get $15 OFF ENTER BlazeFit RAFFLE WIN: $400 GIFT CARD To Blaze Fitness and Wax, Thread & Scissors Purchase Your Raffle For Just $5 Below Where it says “Register Now” MUST PURCHASE KSU RUN/WALK & RAFFLE TO QUALIFY FOR $500 MAKEOVER IF YOU WOULD LIKE…
BACK TO SCHOOL 30 DAY CHALLENGE STARTS AUG 1, 2018 AUG 1- AUG 31st The FREE Kennesaw Mountain 30 Day Challenge 1,212+ Success Stories and Counting…Will You Be Next? Check Out How We Have Systematized The Transformation Process THE THREE PILLARS PILLAR ONE: FITNESS New Workouts EverydayYou will be WITH A TRAINER 3 days per week taken through the most…
Hot Mommy Makeover Fitness Challenge
DISCOVER THE PROGRAM THAT WILL GET YOU FIT, TIGHTER & TONED, BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE & ALLOW YOU TO BE YOU AGAIN… WE KNOW YOU’RE BUSY… Believe me we know 🙂 We work with crazy busy moms like you every single day. Moms who thought they could never have even a minute to themselves where they…
BlazeFit Virtual Coaching JUST $21 Coached Here, Train & Transform ANYWHERE! BlazeFit Will Provide: Daily Workouts Nutrition Plans Transformation Accountability Personal Training For Those in the Atlanta Area (Saturday Bootcamps Once a week) Transform Your Body This Year! HOW IT WORKS: When you join the BlazeFit Coaching you will Join our Private Facebook group where…
Protected: BlazeFit Certification Exam
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21 Day Quarantine Fit Challenge (ONLINE via ZOOM)
Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean that you can’t get amazing results with our new training program that you can do right at home OR Join us at the BlazeFit Facility! Best of all this program is affordable, convenient, and fun! If you’re ready to melt fat, boost your immune system and get into…
MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY MAY 28, 2018 AT 10AM Work off those calories you acquired over the weekend or just get a good workout in before you hit the Memorial Day BBQ’s! ONLY 10 SPOTS LEFT BlazeFit Members–> FREE NON-BlazeFit Members–> $10