Daily Champion Checklist
Hey Marietta Track Club Parents, Hope y’all are doing well! This is Jonathan Walker with Blaze Sports Performance, and as a fellow parent, I wanted to share something that I do with my own kids — Shiloh (my daughter), and my sons Jonathan Asher, Stephen, and Grant — and that I think will help every…
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3 of Alyssas Favorite Core Exercises
💪🏽⚡️ Ready to fire up your core and take your strength to the next level? Like I said, I have a couple secret weapons planned to share with you guys all month! BUT for now here are three of my favorite core workouts‼️ They include the Blaze 90/90 sit up, criss-cross tuck ins, &…
We brought some of our SAVAGES together for a quick interview. We Asked Them 4 Questions. There answers will give you some in site on why BLAZE is one of the best Training Facilities In Cobb County. JOIN THE CIRCLE Book Your 1st Workout
The 1 thing you need to reach your fitness goals
The 1 thing you need to reach your fitness goals I talk to a LOT of people workin’ on their fitness … and I see WAY too many of them falling into this same trap … They hopscotch all over the place, jumping from one thing to another – and then wonder why they aren’t…
6 Types of Stress (Results Killer)
Do You Remember Whac-A-Mole? You know, the arcade game where a mole keeps popping up in unpredictable spots and it’s your job to smack it on the head? Well, that’s kind of like how stress works. Except you are the mole … and when stress gets out of control, every time you make a…
Simple Tip For Crushing Fitness Goals
What would your fitness routine look like if it were easy? Fact: Most of us LOVE to make things complicated. There’s even a term for it: “complexity bias.” Complexity bias is when you decide to make a change in almost any area of your life … and all of a sudden you start thinking about…
RELEASE, WAIVER, AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This Release, Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement is made by and between YOU and Kathie Engeseth, on the day, month, and year noted below. I hereby agree to the following: 1) It is my responsibility to discuss my concerns about my health with my physician before participating in SRT…